Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
– Malcolm X

For me, writing about history is the best and most interesting kind of challenge. It requires researching facts like a skilled detective, arranging the pieces into a logical yet colourful order like a jigsaw puzzle, and creatively choosing the right words in the right order to make the reader want to know more. I’ve written numerous articles and plays, and 3 books: a young adult novel, a political quiz book and one massive nonfiction book about a remarkable humanitarian effort.

Instructional design is the systematic process of designing and implementing instructional experiences based on sound pedagogy. It involves collaborating with subject matter experts, analyzing learning needs and goals, planning assessments, creating engaging activities, writing, integrating multimedia, implementing the design in a learning management system, and evaluating the results. Being an instructional designer is being creative!